Massage Therapy in Red Deer | Recovery Lab

Massage Therapy in Red Deer

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Relaxation & Recovery

A massage can be a way to relax, but it can also be a way to recover. Massage therapy can effectively reduce stress, pain, and muscle tension. Your massage therapist will evaluate your muscles, connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments to address any pain points or simply promote relaxation.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can work for almost everyone. Whether you have back pain, muscle pain, or injury pain, massage therapy can help treat all kinds of conditions. We offer the following types of massage to promote relaxation and address pain points:

  • Recovery massage
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Hot stone massage
  • Prenatal massage
  • Sports massage
  • Myofascial cupping


  • 30 minutes @ $55
  • 45 minutes @ $75
  • 60 minutes @ $95
  • 75 minutes @ $115
  • 90 minutes @ $140
  • 120 minutes @ $185

Recovery massage is designed to improve overall well-being both mentally and physically by increasing circulation, flexibility, and muscle engagement. It can help treat injuries, chronic pain, and decreased range of motion.

Your recovery massage will be customized to your needs. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or a therapeutic massage (or both), your massage therapist will discuss your treatment goals with you to eliminate any guesswork.

Massage therapy is covered under majority insurance benefits plans, direct billing available.

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  • 30 minutes @ $65
  • 45 minutes @ $85
  • 60 minutes @ $105
  • 75 minutes @ $130
  • 90 minutes @ $150
  • 120 minutes @ $195

Deep tissue massage is similar to recovery massage but is more focused on deeper, specific tissue work. It’s recommended for those who need a deeper, stronger massage for tight muscles, chronic pain, or injuries.

During deep tissue massage, your therapist concentrates on deep muscles and connective tissue. Your therapist may use muscle kneading, slow strokes, and targeted pressure as part of this massage.

Massage therapy is covered under majority insurance benefits plans, direct billing available.

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  • 60 minutes @ $105
  • 75 minutes @ $130
  • 90 minutes @ $150
  • 120 minutes @ $195

Hot stone massage uses heated stones to increase the body’s temperature, allowing the muscles to relax for easier muscle work. Depending on your needs, your hot stone massage can be used for both relaxation and pain relief.

Your massage therapist will use a combination of the heated stones and their hands. The combination helps ease muscle tension, improve circulation, reduce pain, and promote relaxation.

Hot stone massage is not recommended for those who are pregnant, sensitive to heat, or have high blood pressure.

Massage therapy is covered under majority insurance benefits plans, direct billing available.

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  • 30 minutes @ $55
  • 45 minutes @ $75
  • 60 minutes @ $95
  • 75 minutes @ $115
  • 90 minutes @ $140

Prenatal massage is designed for mothers in their 2nd or 3rd trimester looking for relaxation and pain relief. During the massage, you can lay on your side or on a full-body contoured pillow, allowing you to lay on your stomach safely and comfortably.

The massage can be tailored to pregnancy-specific pain or any other issues. Some common pain points during pregnancy include lax ligament pain, hip pressure, sciatic pinching, back pain, and shoulder or neck pain, causing aches or headaches.

If you are pregnant, specifically book a prenatal massage to ensure you’re seen by a trained prenatal massage therapist.

Massage therapy is covered under majority insurance benefits plans, direct billing available.

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  • 30 minutes @ $65
  • 45 minutes @ $85
  • 60 minutes @ $105
  • 75 minutes @ $130
  • 90 minutes @ $150
  • 120 minutes @ $195

Myofascial cupping can be booked on its own as a full-body treatment or to complement any other type of massage. During the treatment, your massage therapist will use plastic or glass cups to create suction on the skin. The suction gently pulls underlying tissues, blood, and other fluids to the surface, away from your muscles.

Through this treatment, the suction works to increase circulation, breakdown tissue blockages, and actively stretch muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Myofascial cupping can help increase range of motion and treat pain.

Myofascial cupping is not recommended for individuals with connective tissue disorders, fractures, or certain types of cancer. Alert your therapist if you have a hernia, deep vein thrombosis, skin damage, or open wounds, as myofascial cupping cannot be done on these areas.

Massage therapy is covered under majority insurance benefits plans, direct billing available.

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  • 30 minutes @ $65.00
  • 45 minutes @ $85.00
  • 60 minutes @ $105.00
  • 75 minutes @ $130.00
  • 90 minutes @ $150.00

Trigger point therapy is a specific technique that is used to alleviate pain through isolated pressure and release. Treatment is generally performed with the therapist’s thumbs or specific trigger pointing tools. This treatment applies direct pressure onto trigger points which breaks the cycle of pain which has built up and kept a muscle area contracted.

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  • 60 minutes @ 105.00
  • 75 minutes @ $130.00
  • 90 minutes @ $150.00

Jade is a protective stone used to heal stressed organs and discharge toxins. It slows the aging process and strengthens the body’s natural immune system. These stones are cut to various shapes and sizes and then polished providing a smooth and silky feeling on the skin. The use of massage stones is a great way to increase circulation in and around the area being massaged. Increased blood flow will help clear out toxins and assist in healing an injured or strained area.

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  • 90 minutes @ $150.00
  • 120 minutes @ $195.00

Working with the bodies central nervous system and spine to improve flow of the cerebrospinal fluid between the sacrum and cranium. Releasing blockages with gentle touch and techniques to realign the body. Our physical body holds and carry’s the everyday physical & emotional stress that affect our daily lives.  Promotes relaxation and can relieve headaches, migraines, anxiety, depression & TMJ.

Each client can experience many various affects of this treatment or it may take several treatments to experience the affects.

Miranda a certified by the Upledger Institute with my Level 1 Craniosacral Therapy. Upledger institute is world recognized for being the founder and leader in the education of Craniosacral

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  • Initial Treatment – 30 Minutes @ $100.00
  • LOWER – 15 minutes @ $50
  • UPPER – 15 minutes @ $50.00
  • LOWER – 30 minutes @ $100.00
  • UPPER – 30 minutes @ $100.00
  • LOWER – 45 minutes @ $150.00
  • UPPER – 45 minutes @ $150.00

RAPID Neurofascial Reset is a movement based therapeutic technique that addresses the nervous system’s role in alleviating pain, tension, and restrictions in muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

The purpose of RAPID NFR is to desensitize nerve hypersensitivity and bring the body back to “normal”. It targets pain and restrictions in the body with a treatment goal of improving range of motion, resolving pain and reducing inflammation. This enables the therapist to affect the central nervous system which reduces tissue tension, increases blood flow to promote healing and decreases inflammation. All while reducing the nervous system sensitivity which reduces pain.

RAPID Neurofascial Reset has the potential to successfully treat many painful musculoskeletal conditions such as:

Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Bursitis, Frozen Shoulder, Baker’s Cysts, Back Pain, Headaches / Migranes, TMJ – D, Vertigo / Tinnitus, Arthritis, Knee Pain, Golfers / Tennis Elbow and many more!

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  • 30 minutes @ $65.00
  • 45 minutes @ $85.00
  • 60 minutes @ $105.00

Graston Technique is the use of specialized steel instruments used with a variety of techniques for the treatment of scar tissue and fascial restrictions. Graston Technique is very quick and effective at treating acute, chronic and post-surgical tissue adhesions that cause pain, reduce range of motion and inhibit normal functioning.

The use of Graston tools allows the therapist to target the fascia in a much more effective and targeted way than just manual therapy. Because Graston Technique is a deeper therapy it takes less time to treat problems. Patients will likely experience red flushing to the surface as blood flow that was restricted returns to the area.

Graston Technique therapy is suitable to treat all soft tissue conditions allowing patients to recover from conditions that have caused them pain for years, sometimes even decades.

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  • 60 minutes @ $105.00
  • 75 minutes @ $130.00
  • 90 minutes @ $150.00

A Massage & Movement appointment will include both Massage therapy and 1 on 1 allotted time with Paige to learn home care exercises for rehab, prehab and optimal performance.

While manual therapy like massage is extremely helpful in managing pain, improving range of motion and aiding in recovery, it’s our priority to get you feeling strong and capable, to prevent future injuries, and to perform optimally. Whether you’re an athlete, new to the gym or simply need a simple routine to follow to manage day-to-day aches and pains, this service is for you!

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  • 30 minutes @ $80.00
  • 45 minutes @ $100.00
  • 30 minutes @ $80.00
  • 45 minutes @ $100.00

Athletic Activation and Deactivation appointments, where we harness the power of myofascial cupping and passive stretching alongside RAPID neurofascial reset to optimize your athletic performance and recovery.

Prepare for peak performance with our activation sessions, strategically timed 1-2 days before your event. Our skilled practitioners utilize myofascial cupping techniques, ensuring direct contact with your skin by utilizing comfortable athletic wear such as shorts and a t-shirt or tank top. This process is designed to enhance your readiness for competition by addressing muscle tension and improving flexibility, setting the stage for you to perform at your best.

After the event, recovery is key to maintaining progress and preventing downtime between competition and training. Our deactivation sessions, scheduled 1-2 days post-event, are designed to facilitate a swift and effective recovery process. Our RAPID neurofascial reset techniques work in harmony with myofascial cupping and passive stretching to ease muscle soreness, reduce inflammation, and help you return to training in optimal condition.

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  • 30 minutes – @ $65.00
  • 45 minutes – @ $80.00
  • 60 minutes – @ $105.00

Lymphatic drainage massage is a specialized therapeutic technique designed to promote the efficient functioning of the lymphatic system, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the body’s immune system, fluid balance, and overall well-being. This gentle and rhythmic form of massage is performed by trained therapists and is characterized by its light pressure and specific hand movements.

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  • Initial Treatment – 75 minutes @ $115.00
  • 30 minutes @ $50.00
  • 60 minutes @ $90.00

Daily life creates imbalances: physically, mentally, and emotionally – at the end of the day it’s very likely you don’t feel balanced. Reflexology is a natural therapeutic method based on the principle that there are ‘reflexes’ or points in the body that map to other parts, organs, and glands of the body.

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  • 60 minutes @ $80

Reiki is a hands on Japanese healing art. In the late 1800’s Mikao Usui developed reiki, deriving the term from the Japanese words ‘rei’ meaning “universal,” and ‘ki’ which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. It was from his teachings that Reiki made its way to North America. Reiki is not a religion or a structured set of beliefs to be followed.

Reiki is a healing art that can bring relaxation, relief from discomfort, reduce stress and anxiety. This is done through gentle touch improving the flow and balance of energy to support healing and wellbeing mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A Reiki treatment is unique to each person and unique to each circumstance. One session will likely never be like a previous one. It may feel relaxing, comforting, energizing, stimulating or it may feel “neutral’ as this is also a feeling. Reiki works with the individual to meet their personal needs.

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  • Initial – 60 minutes @ $150.00
  • 30 minutes @ $100.00
  • 20 minutes @ $75.00
  • Direct Billing Available

Active Release Techniques is a patented soft-tissue treatment modality recognized around the world for fast and effective results. ART providers use movement and palpation to assess tissue texture and tension to target problem areas. ART is a movement-based treatment technique that utilizes specific tension applied to a tissue as it is lengthened through a full range of motion. This helps release soft tissue adhesions and fibrosis to restore motion and improve tissue health. It is commonly used to treat muscle, tendon and ligament injuries as well as nerve entrapments.

Paul takes a corrective approach to treatment and uses muscle, range of motion and orthopedic testing to assess the root cause of pain and injuries. He uses a variety of techniques including ART and joint mobilizations to treat the symptom areas as well as the underlying factors that created the problem. He helps clients become stronger, perform better and become more resilient against future injuries.

Please wear loose, stretchy clothing to allow full range of motion as you will be clothed for this treatment

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  • 60 minutes Recovery @ $55
  • 75 minutes Recovery @ $70
  • 60 minutes Deep Tissue @ $65
  • 75 minutes Deep Tissue @ $80

We are excited to offer basic massage therapy treatments provided by our talented second-year massage therapy students. These students are well-versed in fundamental massage techniques and are eager to apply their skills to help you relax and rejuvenate. While these sessions do not qualify for direct billing to insurance, we are pleased to offer them at a discounted rate to make therapeutic massage more accessible. Enjoy a professional and soothing experience at a fraction of the cost, all while supporting the growth and education of our future massage therapists.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Many health insurance plans that include paramedical benefits offer coverage for certain types of massage therapy, including recovery massage and deep tissue massage. Be sure to review your insurance policy for coverage details and requirements (like a doctor’s referral).

There are many different types of massage and everyone’s pain threshold is different. Your massage therapist will work with you to discuss your preferences and goals from treatment. If you want a relaxing, gentle massage, your massage therapist would be happy to adjust their pressure accordingly.

You do not need a doctor’s referral to get massage therapy. That said, some insurance companies require a doctor’s referral to cover massage therapy appointments. Review your policy or contact your insurance provider for details.

Start Your Recovery


Where to Find Us

Our Address

Bay 1229, 2827 30th Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4R 2P7

Contact Information

Phone: 1-587-819-5629

Hours of Operation

9 AM9 PM
9 AM9 PM
9 AM10 PM
9 AM10 PM
9 AM10 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM3 PM

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