NormaTec Compression in Red Deer | Recovery Lab

NormaTec Compression in Red Deer

The Science of Compression

NormaTec compression is a wearable, targeted compression method, with systems for your legs, hips, and arms. This compression system can be a way to aid in whole-body healing by increasing blood flow. The pulse technology and precise control allow for customized pressure and recovery.

Take the Pressure Out of Recovery

Use the same system trusted by 97% of pro teams. NormaTec compression enhances your body’s natural ability to recover as it rejuvenates muscle tissue and reduces tightness and soreness. It’s used by recovery experts and athletes to help:

  • Improve healing
  • Speed recovery
  • Rehabilitate after injury


Single Appointment

25 minutes (1 treatment area) @ $20
40 minutes (2 treatment areas) @ $35


5 x 25-minute (single area) sessions @ $80
5 x 40-minute (2 area) sessions @ $140
25-minute NormaTec compression and 30 minute Infrared Sauna session or 10-minute cold therapy @ $30
25-minute NormaTec compression plus 10-minute cold therapy and 30 minute sauna session @ $45




Unlimited monthly cold therapy sessions

Maximum 1 session per day.



Unlimited monthly infrared sauna sessions

Maximum 1 session per day.



Unlimited combined cold therapy and infrared sauna sessions

Maximum of 1 combined booking per day, with each booking containing up to 2 treatments.



Unlimited combined NormaTec and either cold therapy or infrared sauna sessions

Maximum of 1 combined booking per day.



Unlimited combined cold therapy, NormaTec and infrared sauna sessions

Maximum of 1 combined booking per day.

Custom Membership

$120 & Up

Create your own customizable membership and mix and match between cold therapy, NormaTec, and infrared Sauna sessions.
Starting at our base of $120/Month for 8 Sport Recovery Sessions you can add additional sessions for $15

Maximum of 1 combined booking per day.

Call 587.819.5629 or email

All memberships have a minimum month-to-month commitment.

Start Your Recovery

Where to Find Us

Our Address

Bay 1229, 2827 30th Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4R 2P7

Contact Information

Phone: 1-587-819-5629

Hours of Operation

8 AM9 PM
8 AM9 PM
8 AM9 PM
8 AM9 PM
8 AM9 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM3 PM

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