After straining a muscle, you might be eager to get back to normal as quickly as possible. However, following a muscle strain, it is always important to give your muscles time to fully recover to prevent further injuries. Muscle strains are a common injury and can be caused by physical activity, lifting heavy objects, or […]
6 Types of Massage Therapy and the Benefits
Different therapies can target various injuries or problems in the body. For example, your physiotherapist may use hot and cold therapy to manage lower back pain. But a massage therapist could manage that same pain with massage therapy in many cases. Massage therapy serves many purposes. Some types of massage therapy include myofascial cupping, recovery, […]
10 Physiotherapy Treatments You Should Know About
Physiotherapy is used to treat many different types of pain-related issues. Whether you have suffered from an injury and are working on recovery or are taking preventive measures, there are 10 kinds of physiotherapy treatments you should know about that can help you with your health. This blog will look at: Myofascial Release Biomechanical Analysis […]
Tight Hip Flexors and Lower Back Pain? How Fascial Stretch Therapy Can Help
When you think of stretching, the first thing that might come to mind is the importance of pre and post-workout muscle stretching for your muscles. But have you heard about stretching your body’s connective tissue or fascia? Fascial stretch therapy (FST) is a type of physical therapy that involves stretching the fascia with the assistance […]
What Is Better for Lower Back Pain, Heat or Cold?
Lower back pain is never easy to manage. The first thing on your mind is improving your comfort and finding a way to heal. Your physiotherapist can help manage your lower back pain through hot and cold therapy. But which option is better? Both heat and ice provide benefits, but it’s about what benefits your […]
Do Injuries Cause Arthritis?
Many people think that arthritis is caused only by general wear and tear on the body as we age. What you may not realize is that when we get hurt, our injured joints are 7 times more likely to develop arthritis than in those who weren’t injured. Even if you receive proper therapy after an […]
What Is Best for Tendonitis, Heat or Cold?
Recovery for Tendonitis When you’re experiencing an injury or pain, you want to improve comfort and support healing. Heat therapy and cold therapy are standard treatment options for the aches and swelling caused by tendonitis. Yet, which is the better option? Or should you alternate for improved recovery? Learn when you should apply heat or […]
When and How To Use CryoSpa Cold Water Therapy?
The benefits of cold water immersion (CWI) therapy are numerous and well documented in sport recovery and chronic inflammatory conditions including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals with mood disorders including anxiety and depression, as well as those who experience sleep disturbances have all shown benefit with CWI therapy as well. CWI is also a highly beneficial […]
What Is NormaTec Compression?
Daily living can get busy, and sometimes we can forget to take some time to rest and recover and that’s where NormaTec compression comes in. Compression therapy is an ever-evolving field, and NormaTec represents an innovative, proven method of recovery used by individuals, professional sports teams and sports medicine organizations around the globe. Let’s explore […]
Cryotherapy. What exactly is it and how does it work?
Ok, since we were kids, and then through our adolescent years and into adulthood, we’ve all been told about the benefits of exercise and healthy living. For any of us who have undertaken physical activity as a simple act to make us happy and healthy or for those who have taken it to the next […]