Massage Therapy
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Category: Massage Therapy

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Why Should You Drink Water After a Massage?

A hand filling up a Recovery Lab water bottle to stay hydrated after a massage with a massage therapist in Red Deer.

Drinking water post-massage helps to flush out the toxins and waste products released from your muscles during the session. It also aids in rehydrating your body, which is essential for muscle recovery and ensuring that your tissues remain supple and hydrated. This practice can help to minimize soreness and promote overall well-being, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your massage fully. […]

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6 Types of Massage Therapy and the Benefits

A massage therapist using a myofascial cupping technique to help increase blood flow to increase range of motion and recovery.

Different therapies can target various injuries or problems in the body. For example, your physiotherapist may use hot and cold therapy to manage lower back pain. But a massage therapist could manage that same pain with massage therapy in many cases. Massage therapy serves many purposes. Some types of massage therapy include myofascial cupping, recovery, […]

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