The Recovery Lab Blog - Part 3
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When and How To Use CryoSpa Cold Water Therapy?

A close up of a man sitting in a cold bath to receive the mental and physical health benefits.

The benefits of cold water immersion (CWI) therapy are numerous and well documented in sport recovery and chronic inflammatory conditions including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals with mood disorders including anxiety and depression, as well as those who experience sleep disturbances have all shown benefit with CWI therapy as well. CWI is also a highly beneficial […]

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What Is NormaTec Compression?

A person wearing Normatec compression therapy as a form of sport recoveryto help increase circulation and speed up recovery.

Daily living can get busy, and sometimes we can forget to take some time to rest and recover and that’s where NormaTec compression comes in. Compression therapy is an ever-evolving field, and NormaTec represents an innovative, proven method of recovery used by individuals, professional sports teams and sports medicine organizations around the globe. Let’s explore […]

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Cryotherapy. What exactly is it and how does it work?

A woman in a cold plunge tub holding on to the side ledge.

Ok, since we were kids, and then through our adolescent years and into adulthood, we’ve all been told about the benefits of exercise and healthy living. For any of us who have undertaken physical activity as a simple act to make us happy and healthy or for those who have taken it to the next […]

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How To Stay Hydrated Through Maintenance, Habit & Salt

A hand filling up a Recovery Lab water bottle to stay hydrated after a massage with a massage therapist in Red Deer.

Sometimes when we are doing everything we can to enhance athletic performance, we forget to do those simple things that are every bit as important as going to the gym and eating properly. Sport recovery modalities including sauna, normatech compression and cold immersion therapy all have a very important place, but first we need to […]

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Sauna in the Summer?! Really?

A woman going into an infrared sauna after a work to help increase blood flow, circulation, and decrease inflammation to help muscle recovery.

The benefits of infrared sauna are numerous and well studied. Infrared sauna allows for deep penetration of heat into our tissues. Amongst  the benefits of this are improved circulation, removal of metabolic waste products from out tissues and a reduction in stiffness, soreness and inflammation in the recovering athlete.3 Did you also know that Infrared […]

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