What Is Fascial Stretch Therapy? How Does It Help You?
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What Is Fascial Stretch Therapy? How Does It Benefit You?

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A Fascial Stretch Therapist working on a male patient's arm while he's lying down, face up

Before you hit the weights, run, or even ride a bike, what is the first thing every athlete and sports recovery therapist will tell you to do?

If you guessed “stretch,” you’re right on the money. Whether it’s before or after your workout, stretching has been scientifically proven to help keep your muscles flexible and healthy and lower your risk for injury when you start exercising. But if you’re an athlete or just someone who enjoys physically intense workouts, you may need a more dedicated stretching regimen to help support the health and safety of your muscles.

This is where fascial stretch therapy can help.

Today, we’re going to look at what fascial stretch therapy is, what you can expect from a session, and how it may benefit you over the short and long terms. If you’re already interested in some therapist-led stretching sessions, call our team today to book a service or take a look through our range of recovery-focused classes.

Make the most of your recovery today.

A Direct Approach to Stretching

Now let’s take a look at fascial stretch therapy. But before we can go into detail on the service and how it can help support your muscle health and workout recovery, we first need to know what fascia is and its role.

What Is Fascia?

Fascia is the term used to describe a connective tissue found all over your body, holding together your muscles, internal organs, blood vessels, and nerves. In short, fascia is what keeps your entire body together.

However, fascia can also experience pain and discomfort if it’s inactive for long periods of time. With the help of fascial stretch therapy, we can help support these tissues, making it easier for you to recover from workouts and reduce the risk of injury while exercising.

Defining Fascial Stretch Therapy

So what is fascial stretch therapy? Fascial stretch therapy, sometimes known as FST, is a therapist-led stretching regimen that focuses on stretching your connective tissues and muscles.

FST is typically used as a recovery method for athletes who tend to overwork their bodies and experience symptoms like joint pain or muscle strain. However, FST can also be beneficial for people who work out recreationally.

A Fascial Stretch Therapist working on a male patient's arm while he's lying down, face up

What to Expect From a FST Appointment

The first part of your FST appointment is to determine what symptoms you may be experiencing. We’ll have you detail any areas where you might feel discomfort and explain how you might be working out those areas. FST can help address issues from stiffness all the way to muscle pain, so please feel free to let us know your concerns, no matter how mild they may be.

From here, your therapist will then perform a dedicated FST service focused on your symptoms. The types of stretches your therapist will help you perform can vary depending on the issue you have and where it might be on your body, but the entire experience is designed to help keep you relaxed and comfortable throughout.

Please wear comfortable and flexible clothing to your appointment, and remember to wear socks.

Why Is Fascia Stretching Important?

According to a study by the University of Limerick in Ireland, researchers discovered that FST participants experienced:

  • Increased strength
  • Better mobility
  • Improved balance
  • Less fatigue
  • Better body control

If you’re interested in how FST can help improve your recovery times, support your athletic goals, and improve your quality of life, book a session with the team at Recovery Lab today. We’re ready to help you take your performance to the next level!

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